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CONTACT US: susi@contentgarden.co.nz  +64 274 346667








Putting strategic into social.


Keen to get that organisational Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn or Pinterest page up and running? Not sure where it starts, or where it fits with your existing marketing?


Worried about resourcing, time, risk and lack of expertise?

Done well, organisational social media can help you stay more connected with your customers and others who matter to your organisation. Done badly, it can be a reputation killer. 


Content Garden’s Social Media Content Planners and Hosts can help you get as strategic about your social content, as you are about the rest of your business.




Once you’re ready to get your social presence up and running, our Content Garden Hosts can take care of your site, 24/7, keeping a watchful eye out for risks that are brewing or issues that arise, noting trends and new opportunities, and welcoming visitors and helping them feel at home, just like you would. 


Should really tricky issues arise, our experienced Reputation Managers are just a mouse-click away, bringing years of traditional PR experience with them, to manage things on your behalf, or escalate them to you. The choice is yours - and we’ll talk about it right at the outset. 


Our Content Strategists, Reputation Managers and social Hosts come from a variety of backgrounds, from customer service through to strategic and corporate communications. The thing they all have in common, is a passion for what we call Strategic Social: it’s an approach that never forgets that while organisational social is all about people, it’s business. 




Konstruk Content Management System